Thursday, March 22, 2012

Message to Occupy Wall Street - StormCloudsGathering

       I've been watching the exchanges between those involved in the Occupy Wall Street and those who come form more conservative backgrounds such as Tea Party members. I've been disappointed to see both sides resorting to name calling using terms like; fleabaggers, teabaggers which are just low grade insults that only serve to divide people along artificial lines of left and right.

      The Occupy Wall Street, the Tea Party movement and all the rest of us share a common enemy. That enemy is organized and powerful and has been playing us against each other for a reason. The left and right are just two sides of the same slave camp. Even though the slaves far out number the slave owners. If owners can turn the slaves against each other which they have been doing successfully for some time now. The slaves are easier to control.

       The real slave masters are the private banks which print money out of thin air then loan that money to the government at interest. As long as the power to coin money is held by privately owned banks. Voting is absolutely meaningless and even the most well worded list of demands will be of no avail. Right now there is a small begging elite which hold the reigns of power. Not just in the US but across the globe . They are the real enemy. They are the real 1%. Not some stockbroker  who happens to make a six figure income in the gambling arena we call the stock market.

      I understand that the left and the right don't see eye to eye on many issues. Issues that you may believe are the utmost importance. However, arguing over political wedge issues when your common enemy is crushing you and destroying the future of your children. Is like debating how much public swimming pools will cost in post-war France while the Nazi's are still occupying Paris.

       GET RID OF BANKER CONTROL. Then you can argue about the details, if you don't you then will have no real say in the details either. What we must realize is that our only chance of success lies is uniting. That means we have to set aside our artificial lines of left and right. You may not be comfortable with the changes in behavior that such a shift in thinking implies. WE ARE LATE IN THE GAME FOLKS. There is far to much at stake for us to be fighting among ourselves like children.


This taken from a short film from
Transcribed M.I. Paine

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