Saturday, March 3, 2012


The ruling class has committed crimes from here to Europa.; I mean Billions of trillions of miles of crimes. They have got to set up a police state, they've got to shut down free speech, they've got to stage terror attacks, and they are going to do it!

 Whether you believe me or not or think I'm a cook or not about that. Those terror attacks are aimed at your liberties, and your freedoms. Just like Hitler fire bombed the Reichstag, and attacked Gly Weichich to start the war with Poland. We always hear that Hitler attacked Poland out of the blue. It's a historical fact that he blew up his own military base. 

   Wiki leaks 3 years ago released the army manual on how to stage terrorist attacks. That's something you aught to google. The US government admits it's real, and they say we are going to find who released that and we are going to arrest them. Special forces army Captains and Above are taught how to conduct false flags.

     So grow up! Grow up! These globalists don't care about you, they're going to eat your lunch. So decide. Is it; Your kids, your wife, your husband, your liberty, your freedom or are you going to make believe and buy into the delusion that you are apart of the power structure and maybe kiss up enough to be apart of that power structure for just a little bit longer. NOT ME, I'M GOING HEAD UP AGAINST THESE PEOPLE, AND I DON'T CARE IF THEY KILL ME. 

    That's what people recognize, I love my life. I love my life. I love life. I have such a passion for life, that I'm ready to die for truth, and beauty, and goodness, you understand that? I love life so much! That I don't care if they kill me and water the tree of liberty, I'm non-violent. They want to cut me down, so be it! So you gotta decide, are you with the people, or are you with the establishment?

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